Drugstore2Door – Quick Tip #9 – Delighting Your Patients with Rapid Fulfillment

In this weeks Quick Tip, Phil explains the importance and opportunity that exists by fulfilling patient orders at a rapid pace in order to satisfy the "Want it Now" mentality of consumers. By simply satisfying this mentality, you will create an experience where consumers/patients are fulfilled, and they will keep coming back again and [...]

2021-08-20T17:30:12+00:00August 20th, 2021|Drugstore2Door - Quick Tips|0 Comments

Drugstore2Door – Quick Tip #8 – The Importance of a Loyalty Program

In this week's Drugstore2Door Quick Tip, AJ explains the importance of a loyalty program and includes a few astonishing statistics. The Drugstore2Door platform has a built in and modifiable rewards program that can be used within your pharmacy and tailored for your patients to create repeat transactions. As alway, please reach out to us [...]

2021-08-06T13:35:20+00:00August 6th, 2021|Drugstore2Door - Quick Tips|0 Comments
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